
Showing posts from January, 2018

Do More by Doing Less

Finding the balance between doing too much and too little can be tough and I am definitely one of those people who pushes the boundaries of doing too much. This is applicable in the context of training and life in general. Now this is technically a "New Years" post, so I'll explore this topic both reflecting on 2017 and goal setting for 2018, but mostly 2018. A quick look back at 2017 and the whirlwind that it was... I have always played around with the limit of what I can take on, teetering on the edge of having absolutely no free time and going insane. I have a tendency to get bored with the same old routine and then try to take on new things so I continue feeling challenged. This YouTube video pretty much sums up what I am talking about by Casey Neistat (click here ). 2017 was no different and there were times where I teetered a little too far into the domain of taking on too much and too little. I spent some time trying to get rid of part of my personality, but I